What is a Wound Ostomy Nurse Consultant?
The Wound Ostomy Nurse Consultant has a demonstrated history in designing and implementing wound treatment and prevention programs. He or she has the expertise to provide cost effective wound management, protocol development, and staff development.
What is a bedsore?
The terms “bedsore or decubitus” are no longer used, and are currently referred to as a Pressure Injury (PI) . The National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel (NPIAP) announced the name change in 2016. Pressure Injures are usually caused by unrelieved pressure under a device or lack of sufficient offloading "of" pressure from a bony prominence in a timely manner.
What types of patients do you see?
At Wound Care Solutions by Vanessa, LLC (there should be a space between the comma after Vanessa, and LLC), we can see patients with orders and want treatment provided by an expert; we can see patients referred by a physician/provider for review of current treatment plan or for treatment recommendations; or we can see patients as a second opinion.

What areas do you provide services?
We provide services to clients within all 50 states in the United States. Most work can be done without me traveling, but I can travel for any consultation or Implementation.
Do you accept insurance?
Currently, we are only set up for patients that are private pay.
What payment methods do you accept?
Any major credit card is accepted.
When is payment due?
On the terms of your contract
How can I make an appointment?
Go to “Book an appointment” and from there you can schedule an appointment or contact us at 901-300-6083.
What if I have to cancel an appointment?
We ask that you cancel your appointment within 24 hours.
Do you offer refunds?
We are unable to offer refunds when service has already been provided. However, we value our clients and keeping our clients satisfied is important to us; let us know if you have any concerns about our service we provide.
As a Director of Nursing (DON) at a skilled facility I am looking for someone to provide annual competencies to the Nurses and CNAs. Is this a service Wound Care Solutions by Vanessa, LLC can provide?
Yes, we collaborate with the DON to individualize a plan based on the needs of your facility.