About Us

About Us
Vanessa Maxwell MSN, RN, CWON, PLNC
Services are provided by an experienced, certified wound ostomy registered nurse. (CWON). She holds certification from Certified Wound Ostomy Continence Nursing Certifying Board (CWONCB), a nationally recognized, gold standard certifying board, established in 1978.
Our Mission
We take the guesswork out of wound and ostomy care.
Our Vision
At Wound Care Solutions By Vanessa, LLC we strive to be the company you choose for all of your wound and ostomy solutions.
I am a Registered Nurse (RN) with 18 years of experience in the Nursing profession. My Nursing background includes: Medical-Surgical, Oncology, Surgical Oncology, Cardiac Telemetry, Surgical Oncology, Emergency Department Observation, Float Pool, and Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nursing. I have been a Wound Ostomy Continence RN for 10 years. I completed my professional wound ostomy continence training at Emory University’s Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nursing Education Center in Atlanta, GA. I became certified in 2012 by Wound Ostomy Continence Nursing Certifying Board and currently hold certification with them. I also hold certification as a Professional Legal Nurse Consultant (PLNC) with Jurex Center for Legal Nurse Consultants.
Educating staff, patients, and caregivers on wounds and ostomies has been my true calling in my Nursing career. My goal with Wound Care Solutions by Vanessa, LLC is to partner with Home Healthcare agencies, Skilled Nursing Facilities, and Long-term Acute Care facilities to provide education to their staff on current evidence for treatment and prevention wounds. The pain and cost associated with wounds are life-altering to the patient and can be detrimental to an organization. However, staff education and proper training on treatment and prevention can improve outcomes and patient satisfaction, a “win” for your organization.